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  • bosargem

Welcome to Mrs. Bosarge's ELA class!

Let's take a look at what you'll need to start the year off on the right foot...

Got a Pencil?

Be sure to bring a pencil to class every day! They tend to get lost easily, so stock up if you can.

Your ELA notebook!

We do a lot of work with reading and writing in class. For the sake of organization and convenience, I like to use one notebook for both reading and writing. That is why it is ideal for you to have a 2 subject notebook. I prefer the MEAD Five Star brand 2 subject notebook that has the spiral protector, as I have found many students are tempted to unravel the spiral over the course of the year... and these babies need to last!

Books, books, books and more books!

We do a LOT of reading in class. The good news is, you get to read what you want (age appropriate of course). Find books you love! Bring at least one choice book to class every day, as I like to start each class with 5-10 minutes of reading. You will also be assigned 20 minutes of reading homework every night.

Get Inspired

You have the power to make this year amazing! It's like that scene in the Wizard of Oz... you don't need any ruby slippers, kid, it's always been right there inside of you! If you feel nervous or scared, or feel like you just aren't good at the "game of school", I challenge you to take off that attitude and try out a new one. What is your WHY? What is it that will motivate you to work harder when things get tough? Sports? Family? A personal goal for your future? Whatever it is, find it, hone it and own it! The skills for success? You'll acquire those along the way (that's my job!), but the attitude starts with you. I believe in you and will help you make this year exceptional.

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